Things to Know About The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association
May 27, 2022

The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association is a group of veterans from all the Armed Forces of the US branches that ride motorcycles as part of their hobby.

Mission and Purpose

The association has a mission to defend and support those who have defended the freedom of their country with their lives. They focus on setting up care facilities that provide feeding, shelter, clothing, and guidance for veterans as a friendly way to say “thank you and welcome back home.”

The association was formed in 2001, and Matt Jones is currently the president of the national board of directors. They have continued to serve the US region only since their establishment, with their website being

Membership structure

The CVMA has three membership classifications:

  • Full members: This consists of members who have verified their combat service.
  • Support Members: This class consists of those without combat military service.
  • Auxiliary members: This category of members consists of spouses, widows, or widowers of good standing CVMA members.

The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association has members from all fifty states and those living abroad. Sometimes, some of their members return to continue their service in the United States Armed Forces. The association participates in numerous motorcycle-related charity programs and events yearly and sponsors some of them as a non-profit organization. They give donations to different veteran charities and veteran care facilities.

Criteria for membership

If you’re interested in the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, the first thing to note is that the association is not a motorcycle club. It’s a veterans association that loves riding motorcycles for pleasure, supporting their group, and assisting other organizations committed to helping veterans. Therefore, if you want to be a part of the veterans’ support move, you’re in the correct association.

Membership in this veteran association is granted in alignment with the bylaws of the National body as contained in Article 3 of the National CVMA bylaws document. The following information is a draft of the basic membership requirements for this association.

Requirements for Full Members

To be a full member, you must be of good character and a foreign war combat veteran. You must own and operate a motorcycle of 500cc or above. You also must have received approval from the National Board of Directors of the association. You will need to present a motorcycle driver’s license bearing proof of insurance and State endorsement. You also must be willing to pay the national annual dues.

The only proof of membership that is acceptable to the CVMA is a service record book or a DD 214 copy that is forwarded for the approval of the National Board of Directors. There’ll also be a waiver for dues deployed in a war zone.

Requirements for Auxiliary members

To be considered an auxiliary member, you must be a spouse, widow, or widower to a full member who is presently in good standing with the association and supports the efforts of the US Armed Forces and the CVMA branches. You must also be of good behavior and must be able to present a motorcycle driver’s license with insurance proof and State endorsement. You also must be willing to pay the national yearly dues.

Requirements for Support Members

The support members of the association are each sponsored by a full member of the CVMA. To be a support member, you must be of good behavior. You must own and operate a 500cc motorcycle at the very least and must be a veteran of the Armed Forces of the US. You must be willing to present a driver’s license and insurance proof for your motorcycle and must also be willing to pay the annual national dues.