Veterans Day
November 9, 2022

Veterans Day is November 11th. It was originally known as Armistice Day honoring veterans that died in World War 1. In 1945 it was expanded to include all veterans who served in the military. The history of when and how is not as important as the reason why.
Our history as Americans living in a nation with all of the freedoms we enjoy can be directly attributed to the dedication of men and women who were willing to fight and risk their lives for what they believed in. Throughout our history, we have called upon and depended on our military to fight for and defend our freedom.

Most start their service as teenagers or in their early twenties and leave their homes, families, and loved ones to train and serve with complete strangers who become brothers and sisters as they forge a bond together that others could never really understand. During times of war, they are often required to travel out of the country to a foreign land where they are asked to do things that many of can’t imagine. They don’t hesitate to do what’s needed because it’s what they signed up for. It’s what they trained for. As Americans who love their country, it’s what they do. They are the ultimate patriots.
When their deployment comes to an end, some of them return home. Some… are not as lucky. For the ones that are fortunate enough to come home they are faced with a decision to remain in the military or enter civilian life. Regardless of which path they choose, they have served their country and nobody can take that away from them. We as Americans owe all of them endless gratitude. It is because of these brave men and women that we continue to have the ongoing freedoms that we often take for granted.
Unfortunately many that so selflessly served find their selves dealing with PTSD or other forms of mental illness. Some face depression and suicidal thoughts. Some become dependent on alcohol or drugs to deal with the pressures they face. Some are not able to maintain steady employment and experience homelessness.
Our Veterans deserve our support. They served and many risked their lives to do their duty. The reason I started this website is to bring attention to many of the issues our veterans face. I’ve ridden on many rides honoring our fallen veterans and their families. It is important to honor them and remember their service but let’s not wait until they are gone to pay respect. They deserve our respect and help. One simple way to help is to share this website with as many people as possible. The more people that visit and shop Amazon ads, the more advertising dollars we earn to help with fundraising and events. Remember….any time you are searching the web to purchase something, use our website and click on the “amazing deals” button. By doing this, you will be helping us support our veterans. Thank you in advance and always remember to thank our veterans.